04 Nov 2018

Export control and dual-use: the internal compliance program

In the series of workshop of “L’Industria Meccanica”, Hanz Giovanni Chiappetta will lecture on “Export Control and Dual-Use: the I...
02 Oct 2018

Arbitration clause and adr procedures

Elena Olivetti will lecture in “Arbitration Clause and ADR Procedures” organized by the Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano in partner...
28 Sep 2018

ICP | An internal program to protect your export

Hanz Giovanni Chiappetta and Marika Romani wrote an article on export control that will be published on the mechanical industry jo...
29 Aug 2018

The best lawyers in Italy | VI edizione

L’avv. Matteo Mussi è stato incluso nella sezione Proprietà Intellettuale della VI edizione di The Best Lawyers in Italy. https:/...

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