14 Nov 2019

Export control e Dual use

Hanz Giovanni Chiappetta and Matteo Mussi will lecture on "Export control and dual use: procedure for the export of products and/o...
09 Jul 2019

Export control: come competere in un mercato complesso

Hanz Giovanni Chiappetta will lecture on “Export Control: come competere in un mercato complesso” organized by BPER Bank. The wor...
04 Jul 2019

Export control: come competere in un mercato complesso

Hanz Giovanni Chiappetta will lecture on “Export Control: come competere in un mercato complesso” organized by BPER Bank. The wor...
20 Jun 2019

Fornitura internazionale di macchinari e impianti industriali

In the series of workshop of “L’Industria Meccanica”, Hanz Giovanni Chiappetta and Elena Olivetti will lecture on “Fornitura inter...

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