24 May 2019

Corso sull’arbitrato

Elena Olivetti will lecture in Milan at the Arbitration Course organized by the Organismo di Mediazione Equilibrium, in collaborat...
07 May 2019

La tutela del know-how

Lawtelier Avvocati Associati in collaboration with ANIMA - Federation of National Associations of the Mechanical and Engineering I...
03 May 2019

La moda e la sua tutela legale

Elena Olivetti will intervene as a speaker at the Tavola Rotonda “La moda e la sua tutela legale – tutela preventiva, valorizzazio...
05 Apr 2019

Significant changes for ip law in Italy

Italy’s IP law system is facing a massive change with the implementation of two important Decrees, the Legislative Decree n. 15 an...

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